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Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 27, 2016 – 4:00 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present. TA Nina Nazarian also present.

4:06 PM   Stan opened meeting at Princeton Center in the Kitchen. Stan began describing his analysis of the importance of the 5 general categories from the last meeting. Jon expressed concern with the accounts payable processing procedures, citing that there is duplication in work. The group discussed the long list of work items prepared by the Town Administrator. There was mention that Nina is pushing for an assistant to help with the long list of work, however Nina clarified that she was not pushing for help unless the Board wanted to accomplish more than what a reasonable person could complete in one year.
Nina provided any update of the conversation with Charter, that they would like to come in and meet with the BoS, but cannot meet on 10/31. The Board agreed to provide Charter a few other date options.  
Discussion began on the financial assessment document discussed in the last meeting.  Stan expressed support in preparing such a document as long as it didn’t tax town resources. Jon agreed to put the document together, and Stan said that he would like to contribute to the compilation of the document.
Discussion turned to facilities, and the Board agreed that if there is a major capital improvement, it could only be one building at a time. Significant discussion continued on how to approach developing the long term plan. There was at least a majority consensus to start the Long Term Infrastructure/Buildings Planning meetings.
The Board discussed the need to meet again and decided that the next goal setting session should be held on November 3rd at 4:00 PM in the Princeton Center Kitchen.
Stan asked Edie and Jon if they would like to discuss a contract extension to the Town Administrator’s contract. Edie indicated that they should discuss in executive session.

5:49 PM  voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

BOS Referenced Documents:  Ongoing work items prepared by Town Administrator